GALATEK Logo 35_12 FIN_Angl

Services related to the technologies and equipment necessary for
surface treatment work as well as those required for safeguarding the environment.

GALATEK a.s. Company

The company was set up in 1990 as the Galatek Technik v.o.s. public company. Since its inception, the firm has provided services related to the technologies and equipment necessary for surface treatment work as well as those required for safeguarding the environment.

Initially only offering a consultation and engineering design service, we subsequently decided to branch out as a response to clients’ requirements and business results. Our provision became much more far reaching and covered manufacturing, installation as well as maintenance and servicing.

Following a rise in orders, the firm’s owners turned Galatek Technik v.o.s into Galatek spol. s r.o., a public limited company which retained all the assets, rights and liabilities held under its former name. Another change occurred in 1998 when the company achieved joint-stock status. The reasons for this were to create more favourable business conditions for the firm and to place it in a more advantageous and credible position by increasing the capital to CZK 8 million – a move allowing Galatek to maintain its current clients and reach out to new ones.

Snímek obrazovky 2021-12-01 v 12.53.48
Snímek obrazovky 2021-12-01 v 12.53.59
Snímek obrazovky 2021-12-01 v 12.54.08
Snímek obrazovky 2021-12-01 v 12.54.17
